Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Creating a table cloth using nDynamics

                                  In this tutorial you can learn how to create table cloth and material using nDynamics. You can model the cloth using nurbs surfaces but it is hard. When we use nDynamics it is automatically calculate the shape of the cloth, no need to model it.

                             First switch to nDynamics mode. Then import your 3d table model to your scene. In here I use polygon cylinder for my table. Create a polygon plane which has higher Subdivisions Width and Subdivisions Height values like 100. Place the polygon plane on the table. We use it as a cloth.

                            Select the polygon plane and click nMesh->Create nCloth. Then select the table and click nMesh->Create Passive Collider.  Go to attributes editor and click on the nucleus tab. Increase Air Density to 10.

                              Set the end time of the playback range to 200. Select the polygon plane and go to nCache->Create New Cache. After cloth is create hit Esc button. Your cloth will be like this.

                              Now we have to create cloth material. Open Hypershade. Create new Lambert material and a Cloth texture(on the 2D textures section). Select the texture. Drag and drop it to Lambert material using middle mouse button. In the drop down menu, select the bump map (you can also use displacement map or normal map). Then you will see a connection between texture and the Lambert material.

                             Select the bump2d node and go to attributes editor. Set Bump Depth to smaller value. 0.01 is good for it. Select the 2d texture placement node and go to attributes editor. Change Repeat UV to higher value. I use 1000 but yours may be different. It is depends on your cloth size. Assign suitable color for cloth and render.

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